Dear friends, this is my friend Nour. He is from Syria and arrived here 19 months ago. Today after waiting all this time he heard that he has to leave The Netherlands. He does not have a Syrian pasport and therefor can not return to his country where his wife and son are at this moment. He wants to try to go to the Syrian Embassy in Brussels to get his papers and tof ons out if they can help him to stay safe after all. Nour needs our help. This is his message:
"Hello all my friends in the Netherlands I got a negative from ind I feel very sad after a year and seven months I brought the last time a document from Syria and I gave them did not believe I have tired so much I do not have a place to go There is no solution left One is I go to the Embassy of Syria in Belgium and ask I have a passport but I do not have money because a passport costs 400 euros. I feel very ashamed because of this request. If there is anyone who can help me with anything, please help me. Please, I hope that I hope you will not be able to return to Syria because of your war. PleasePlease please"
We are trying to figure out what is the best way to help him. If you have any experience with the embassy in Brussels or want to help raise money for him in order to get his papers, please let me know. Any help is welcome. Please share this message!
The money will be used to travel from Amsterdam to Brussels (probably several times) and pay the embassy. We do not know exactly how much money is nessecary. We will keep you updated through this page. Thank a lot!