Xmas activity for Kids AZC Jiehua

Xmas activity for Kids AZC Jiehua | Geld inzamelen

As many of you know, I go regularly to AZC to volunteer with Kids Activities.

We will gather the kids, they can draw, play with toys or play with each other.

Whenever the weather allows, we will play outside. 

These kids are happy with little, as long as they can play. And this is extra important for them given the circumstances they are in.

This year December 14th, together with other volunteers, we want to organize a Xmas activity for the kids and their parents. So they can spend some festive moments together and with others at AZC.

To make this happen, we need festive materiaal, arrange for food etc. 

I would be very thankful if you would make a donation, at your own comfort to help to make this happen.

I can garantee that this investment will be more than worth it. You are making someone else smile :)

Thank you,


€ 270 ingezameld
Doel: € 400 • 21 donaties