KMT hospital Shirati Tazania, Medical supplies

KMT hospital Shirati Tazania, Medical supplies | Geld inzamelen

In november 2017 I will do my medical internship as a final year medical student at the KMT hospital in Shirati. 

As most of you know Africa has a lot of poverty. Therefore there is also not enough healthcare for every-one, especially for the the poor. In Tanzania 94%(?!) of the hospitals in the mainland have reported to be out of stock of essential medical supplies resulting in ineffective or no treatment at all....

Therefore I do not only want to physically help providing medical care, but I also want to help in the form of medical supplies. I will be purchasing and gathering medical supplies with the help of Medpackers to bring with me in my backpack to Shirati and donate!

But I need YOUR help!! You can help by donating money to help me provide basic and essential medical supplies, 100% of your donations will go to the shirati hospital and locals; you have my word. (Every little bit counts!!)

Together we can make the world a little bit better!

€ 375 ingezameld
Doel: € 1.000 • 12 donaties

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