Help Mijn Familie na orkaan Irma

Help Mijn Familie na orkaan Irma | Geld inzamelen

Lieve mensen die dit nu lezen;

Afgelopen woensdag is orkaan Irma over Sint Maarten getrokken, ook wel mijn thuis, en heeft een ravage achtergelaten. Zo ook bij de ouders van mijn vriend, Ayman Baroud, waar de hele zaak in puin ligt. Het hele leven daar is veranderd, zoals u waarschijnlijk weet via het nieuws.  De 20 jaar bestaande zaak is in één klap weg.

Op dit moment kunnen wij alle hulp gebruiken in de vorm van een donatie.

Elke euro telt!

Alvast heel erg bedankt! <3 


Dear people who are currently reading this;

Last Wednesday, Hurricane Irma has drawn over Sint Maarten, also my home, and left a major devastation. As well by my boyfriend's family, family Baroud, where their business is completely ruined.The life and future of these people haved changed. The 20-year-old business is in desperate need of money for rebuilding and you can help!

At this moment, we can use all the help in the form of a donation.

Every euro/dollar counts!

Thank you very much! <3

UPDATE 1-12-17

I would like to hereby thank everyone for donating, sharing and helping out with this cause. My family is very grateful for your contributions and are currently busy rebuilding with the help received. 

As things start to normalize on the island of Sint Maarten, so too does my family. This is why we are now closing this action but we really really appreciated all the help and strength received.

The money gathered by this action was used mainly in the building of a temporary production area for Ayman Mattress Factory (see pictures), from which they were able to start limited operations on manufacturing beds for the island.

Once again many thanks to everyone!

€ 259 ingezameld
Doel: € 15.000 • 18 donaties

Deze actie is gesloten