Why do I need your help?
Currently, I am trying to make throughout this concept a recall of the forgotten heritage of Romania. With this concept, I would like to raise awareness that even a side table can become a piece of art if it can express the right message. For myself is also important to showcase the project in the country where I developed this concept and a good opportunity is Dutch Design Week, of course, because of its huge reach.
In order to do so, I need to create the prototype which is 1/4 of the money I want to raise. With the rest, I am planning to pay the exhibition spot for DDW and pay the accessories and other costs for both exibitions where Fusion will be present this year (International Furniture Fair in Romania - september 2017 and Dutch Design Week - october 2017).
What about me?
A designer-to-be that likes to bring novelty in everything she creates - currently, Industrial Design Engineering student in The Hague.
What is Fusion about?
Fusion is the winner-award (4th place) of the National Competition of Furniture Design in Romania - concept phase. The concept is about one of the most valuable treasures of Romania, Brâncuşi. He is the one who brought novelty to international sculpture and he revolutionized through his creation. This project is actually a memoriam to the creations of the artist which were once refused to become part of the Romanian heritage.
Where is the name coming from?
The name "Fusion" refers to the creative process behind the concept, which I consider it similar to the process of Brâncuşi. My style became a fusion because of the environment where I have been living, which means that the concept has been made by having Dutch influences merged with my traditional creative base.
What about the materials?
The materials that are used in the concept are ecological and sustainable, some of which were also used by the master himself. The walnut (Black / English are preferred as species) is one of the most aristocratic materials, that has the sweet colour of chocolate and which, despite its high cost, is very precious and in time it gets even a glossy fibre that makes it more special. Moreover, instead of the bronze classic, the concept uses brass as a replacement - a very sustainable material, especially because it can be made from scrap material, making the process much cheaper and more environmental-friendly.