The Long Journey Pursuing the Dream of Medicine

The Long Journey Pursuing the Dream of Medicine | Geld inzamelen

I would like to share my long and ambitious journey in the field of medicine, which began in 2016 when I enrolled in the College of Biotechnology in Egypt (MSA) UNI. I spent two years there, but due to financial difficulties, I had to pause my studies for a while. However, I didn’t give up. I regained my determination and, in 2018, I enrolled in medical school in Ukraine. Throughout my years of study, I faced many challenges, but through perseverance and hard work, I graduated and earned my medical degree in 2024 from (DNMU). This journey has been full of sacrifices and challenges, including taking out a loan to complete my studies, which I am still repaying today. After the war broke out in Ukraine, I decided to move to the Netherlands to explore job opportunities in the medical field. However, I discovered that the path to practicing medicine in the Netherlands requires additional work, including learning the Dutch language, passing additional tests and courses to obtain the necessary licenses, and getting my degree recognized. Alongside my current work in quality control, I am now focusing on completing my Dutch language studies in (BABEL)at an advanced level to enable me to pass the exams required for working in the medical field. This is essential for effective communication and understanding legal requirements. I am also working to pass all necessary tests and training required to obtain medical licenses from relevant authorities such as (Nuffic) and (BIG), which is a crucial step to practice medicine here. Additionally, I am required to complete an additional year of study to ensure my medical degree is recognized within the Dutch academic system Which idk how much it will cost but its oke, which is necessary to meet the requirements set by local authorities. To achieve financial stability and support my studies and licensing costs, I am currently seeking job opportunities in the medical field in the Netherlands. I aim to secure professional stability and achieve my long-term goals in the medical field. I believe that this journey is not easy, but with determination and support, I will be able to achieve my dreams of practicing medicine here in the Netherlands. Your kind support would have a significant impact in helping me overcome financial challenges and realize my aspirations to serve the Dutch community.

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Doel: € 7.000 • 0 donaties

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